Our collection of rugs

The source of inspiration for our hand-knotted rugs is the body of art created by the Belgian painter Charlotte Culot or French painter Ludovic Philippon. Each rug is crafted from silk, wool, linen and hemp, taking inspiration from the artist's pieces of art. By transforming these pieces into limited rugs, we create a new form of beauty that is both resilient and enduring, just like the piece that inspired it.


Behind every rug there is an unique story.

“A hand-knotted rug is the result of a technique passed down for centuries, and the knowledge of weavers is transmitted from generation to generation. The quality of the materials used and the knotting technique give it excellent durability. The encounter between centuries-old craftsmanship and contemporary creation makes these rugs unique.”

Learn more about the elaborate manufacturing process in an interview with our colourist.